Riding on thin ice

I was reminded twice today how tenuous my presence here is. On the ride back from work, the entire two blocks of it, I was nearly collected by two cars. The first was some yahoo racing to turn right. I didn’t have a green pedestrian crossing light, but I was going with the traffic. Luckily,… Read more

That scary sense of perpetuality

The thought has really occurred to me today that I can see myself in this job for the foreseeable future. Of course, I can’t get too comfortable, since I’m only here for another two months, but it’s definitely something I’d be happy to keep doing. Of course, I’d have to live somewhere else, I think…… Read more

Sunny California

Welcome to Sunny California! Yep, raining. Again. It does that a lot here. It is very like Melbourne. What a shame. ;) Although, since this little bit of Cupertino is all the big hotels and so forth, there’s some pretty nice scenery around here. For example, we have our Christmas tree already set up… And… Read more

Brett the Terrible

I tell you, it’s tough putting up with Brett. All that emotion and anger! ;) Good thing we’ve got this handy monitor widget to tell us what times we’d be better off pulling an all nighter at work. :D As you can see, Brett’s having a real bad time at the moment. Looking forward though… Read more

My camera, Our House

So, I finally bought a digital camera. A Casio Z750. 7.2 megapixels, typical telescoping 3x lens, nice compact form factor. It’s quite impressive. It hasn’t seen daylight yet, so I can’t do some true quality tests with it, but the indoor flashed portraits have come out disturbingly well. It ended up costing about $470US, including… Read more

America’s Finest Bureaucracy

I’m a bit cranky today. Today was a crappy day. First thing this morning, off to San Jose to apply for a Social Security Number & Card… after all, I wouldn’t want to miss out on all the wonderful identity theft possibilities. That took four hours… nearly an hour each way on the bus, and… Read more


I’ll note, too, that all TV here is heavily censored. Anything sexual is removed completely. Even for late night movies. Even if it’s a key part of the storyline. In fact, they’ll remove random scenes just to shrink the movie down to a multiple of half hour blocks, since they refuse to allow anything to… Read more