A perfect little feature: Universal Clipboard

Apple product photo for Universal Clipboard, showing an iPhone next to a MacBook Pro, with an image selected on the iPhone and 'Copy' highlighted in the pop-up menu, and that same image in a Pages document on the Mac, implying it was just pasted there.

Perhaps in karmic balance of my previous post critical of one of Apple’s APIs, I want to highlight an Apple OS feature that I use every day, that ironically is so simple, obvious, and reliable that I almost never stop to appreciate it. Universal Clipboard basically just means you can copy something on one device… Read more

Bad API example: FileManager’s url(for:in:appropriateFor:create:)

I find FileManager‘s url(for:in:appropriateFor:create:) to be very unintuitive. It seems to have multiple, largely-orthogonal functions. It can provide paths to common folders (albeit badly). It can create temporary folders. It can locate volume-specific bins (Trash folders). It is an example of bad API design. Specifically, regarding cohesion: the principle that an API should have one… Read more

Creating files safely in Mac apps

Creating a file is a pretty basic and conceptually simple task, that many applications do (whether they realise it or not – library code often does this too, at least for temporary files such as caches or for communicating between programs). So you’d think it’d be trivial to do correctly. Alas, it is not. ☝️… Read more

Downcasting in a for loop

I sometimes forget that this is possible (and even more often exactly what the damn syntax is – kudos to vacawama in today’s case of this for reminding me with their StackOverflow answer). There are numerous other ways to write the above, but I think it is the most elegant. Inferior Alternatives More indentation, and… Read more


Explanatory diagram of frame pointers, showing a link from the x86-64 register %rbp to the start of the current frame, which holds the prior value of %rbp that points to the top of the previous frame, and so on.

This is an elaboration of a post I made in a Swift Forums thread, SE-0419: Swift Backtracing API. The question was raised whether an official Swift backtracer should try to support code that doesn’t use frame pointers. Which immediately raised the question – in my mind – of if anyone is still using the “optimisation”… Read more

NSImage is dangerous

Screenshot of an excerpt from Xcode's debug console showing the output of AddressSanitizer, having detected data race involving NSImage.

NSImage is formally documented as largely not thread-safe: The following classes and functions are generally not thread-safe. In most cases, you can use these classes from any thread as long as you use them from only one thread at a time. Check the class documentation for additional details. Apple’s Threading Programming Guide > Appendix A:… Read more