When all you have is a Core Data, everything looks like…

Still from the scene in Orgazmo with the Mormon Missionaries greeting a homeowner at their door and asking "Have you heard the good news about Core Data?".

Reading SwiftData vs Realm: Performance Comparison reminded me of an anecdote from my days working on Shark, at Apple. I don’t really remember the timing – sometime between 2006 and 2010 – but presumably around 2006 as I recall it was when Core Data was still relatively new. For whatever reason, there was a huge… Read more


Explanatory diagram of frame pointers, showing a link from the x86-64 register %rbp to the start of the current frame, which holds the prior value of %rbp that points to the top of the previous frame, and so on.

This is an elaboration of a post I made in a Swift Forums thread, SE-0419: Swift Backtracing API. The question was raised whether an official Swift backtracer should try to support code that doesn’t use frame pointers. Which immediately raised the question – in my mind – of if anyone is still using the “optimisation”… Read more

Aussie student interns savour Cupertino

That was the curious choice of grabline for the article in Wheels for the Mind, the AUC’s magazine, about the Apple internship experience had by Ashley Butterworth, Brett Brooks, and myself. Wheels for the Mind 2006 (Autumn) (cached) They even put a picture of me on the cover, which seems mean [to their readers]. This… Read more

Blog like it’s 2005

Screenshot of my .Mac website as it now appears in my resurrected version

On a bit of a whim – a silly tangent off of migrating to a new web host – I resurrected the ‘frozen in time’ copy of my iTools / .Mac / MobileMe HomePage website. You can find it here, for better or worse. My old website dates back to at the latest September 2005… Read more

Things you find googling yourself

In no particular order. The Hotline File Transfer Protocol v1.1.1.  I presume I was interested in, or actively doing, a third party Hotline client.  I did tend to make lots of data transfer clients back then (e.g. HTTP, FTP, even POP3 & SMTP). My little gallery of childhood toys & memorabilia.  I hadn’t forgotten about this… Read more