Bipolar customer support

Consider these two examples involving Flickr, that occurred within just one day of each other. Nice gal Amanda I submitted the following feedback, not really expecting much of it. In fact, I fully expected some useless, boilerplate response that completely ignored the point and directed me to the upload requirements page (despite it being the… Read more

Matching prefixes in Swift strings

How do you determine if one string starts with another, in Swift? Surely that’s exactly what the hasPrefix(_:) method is for: No can haz etiquette? Wot? The problem is that hasPrefix is not meant for general use with human text; it’s barely better than a byte-wise comparison. It only guarantees that it won’t be fooled… Read more

SwiftUI drag & drop does not support file promises

SwiftUI doesn’t offer anything equivalent to NSFilePromiseProvider, i.e. to write data to the drop destination. You have to ditch SwiftUI and use AppKit’s drag & drop APIs instead. FB13583826. Is that it? I know that’s not a very helpful in some sense, but I wasted days trying to figure out how to implement this very… Read more

Mac app sandboxing interferes with drag & drop

Failed to get a sandbox extension Right from there, you know you’re going to have a bad day. 😔 Then you try to actually use the file dropped on your app, and you get: Upload preparation for claim 1C0F9013-4DEB-4E5D-8896-F522AA979BA6 completed with error: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=513 ““Example.jpg” couldn’t be copied because you don’t have permission to… Read more

Secret Sonoma design lead: Barbie

macOS Sonoma is in so many ways a dumpster fire. It’s the worst Apple OS update I can remember (although admittedly there’s been some real stinkers over the years, so maybe I’m overlooking some repressed memories). There was of course the bug whereby encrypted external drives no longer mounted automatically. That was pretty special, because… Read more

SwiftData pitfalls

I’ve been exploring SwiftData lately, and I’ve been unpleasantly surprised by how many sharp edges it has. I’m going to try to describe some of them here, so that hopefully others can avoid them (or perhaps be dissuaded from using SwiftData to begin with). I’m using Xcode 15.0.1 (Swift 5.9) on macOS 14.1 (Sonoma). Background… Read more