The only usable ByteCountFormatStyle is decimal

Swift makes it relatively easy to format numbers as byte counts, with appropriate suffixes to indicate units and generally sensible auto-selection of scale factors. e.g.: 1 kB (in English – results may vary depending on locale) This is just a small subset of Swift’s FormatStyle-based formatting capabilities, with which I have a bit of a… Read more

Matching prefixes in Swift strings

How do you determine if one string starts with another, in Swift? Surely that’s exactly what the hasPrefix(_:) method is for: No can haz etiquette? Wot? The problem is that hasPrefix is not meant for general use with human text; it’s barely better than a byte-wise comparison. It only guarantees that it won’t be fooled… Read more

getBitmapDataPlanes can break NSImages & NSBitmapImageReps

Opaque black square.

Today was one of those days where you plan to real make a dent in your todo list, and end up spending the entire day debugging why the hell some images are suddenly rendering as completely opaque black. Long story short, on at least some bitmap images, as soon as you call getBitmapDataPlanes it somehow… Read more

no platform load command found in ‘libxyz.a’, assuming: macOS

This is a linker warning I see frequently since Xcode 15.0. It appears it’s a result of Apple’s new linker, “ld_prime”, which replaced “ld64” that was in use [by Apple] since around 2005 (per Quinn the Eskimo). ☝️ “ld_prime” might be an internal code name, or perhaps is just Quinn’s personal nomenclature. The actual binary… Read more