Ancient history can be dangerous

It’s really cute looking back at the [partial] IRC logs from when Sarah and I were first going out… except when it gets up to the bit which reminds me why we broke up. And to see the date on it, and to realise how long things weren’t right. I’m suddenly not quite so interested… Read more


Ah, well, I shouldn’t have, but I wasted a good six hours last night playing Risk with the lads (Laura, Damien, Anton & Stef). It was an interesting game… it took quite a while for anyone to cement much of a lead. As usual, whenever Damien pulled together any significant power mass he would attack… Read more

#geektree [28/3/2001] – Dialup vs DSL, evil Dingoblue & Telstra, Damn Peers, quiet brothels

This little sub-thread will look at the #geektree irc channel we all used to hang out in, picking out some juicy highlights…. man, I was a feisty little bugger back then…. All censoring added after the fact, unfortunately. :) [4:23] Sleazball: Presently achieving a beefy 0.6k/s.[4:23] Sleazball: Are there any major links down anywhere, any… Read more

Thesis and early rising

1) Thesis. Yep, more of the same. Drilled a few holes, filled back a whole lot of rough edges, and got everything in there more or less happily. I haven’t got the necessary materials to screw the motherboard in, so I think it’s going to have to be bluetack at this point. :) 2) Got… Read more


Geektree. Ah, Geektree. My god, where to begin… I guess the beginning works. But wait, no, that’s too cliche… let’s start in the middle – to hell with chronology or context! By our VCE years, Geektree was a thriving hub of activity. At our school, the venerable and prestigious Mount Eliza Secondary College, there was… Read more