ambiguous reference to member ‘joined()’

"What do you want" scene from The Notebook

You can readily tell that Swift was created by a C++ fanatic, by its fucking obtuse error messages. ⤹ Me             Swift compiler ⤵︎ In today’s episode of “what the fuck do you want, compiler?”, we tackle: foo.swift:186:39: error: ambiguous reference to member ‘joined()’ log.debug(“\(thingies.joined(separator: “, “))”) ^~~~~~~~ Swift.BidirectionalCollection:27:17: note: found this… Read more

Swift’s String.write(toFile:…) can’t handle tildes

Result?  Explode: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4 “The folder “sigh.txt” doesn’t exist.” UserInfo={NSFilePath=~/Desktop/sigh.txt, NSUserStringVariant=Folder, NSUnderlyingError=0x1018110b0 {Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=2 “No such file or directory”}} And since there’s no documentation on that write() method, and this is obviously a perfectly reasonable request that can’t sanely yield that bizarre error message, you could be forgiven for having no idea how… Read more

SQLite table constraints must be specified after all columns

Marking this one for future reference. TL;DR:  You have to specify all the columns in your table, in a CREATE TABLE statement, before you specify table constraints like primary or foreign keys. SQLite gives the most useless error messages most of the time.  Case in point: CREATE TABLE “Foo” ( “ColumnA” TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE, “ColumnB”… Read more

Keyboard autocompletes

Apparently if you get bored enough you start just playing with the keyboards installed on your iPad.  Those that have the suggestion bar at the top can make some interesting ‘poetry’.  You just keep tapping in the same place, or in some simple pattern across the N suggestions.  Some are just bemusing drunk gibberish, but… Read more

Building John The Ripper Jumbo for macOS Sierra

It’s quickly apparent that John The Ripper Jumbo doesn’t build out of the box on macOS, and probably hasn’t for a long time, due to its complaint about missing OpenSSL headers. This guide was almost helpful, except it’s out of date – e.g. the patch it provides no longer applies cleanly – and simply doesn’t… Read more

Nikon SnapBridge

Finally. Nikon have released the SnapBridge app so that the much-touted Bluetooth+Wifi capability of the D500 can actually be used.  A mere eight months after it was announced.  Fuck you too Nikon. However, as I’d clearly forgotten, it’s not very useful anyway.  It doesn’t work with raws, you see.  Doesn’t even acknowledge that they’re in the… Read more