You can readily tell that Swift was created by a C++ fanatic, by its fucking obtuse error messages.
⤹ Me Swift compiler ⤵︎

In today’s episode of “what the fuck do you want, compiler?”, we tackle:
foo.swift:186:39: error: ambiguous reference to member 'joined()' log.debug("\(thingies.joined(separator: ", "))") ^~~~~~~~ Swift.BidirectionalCollection:27:17: note: found this candidate public func joined() -> FlattenBidirectionalCollection<Self> ^ Swift.Sequence:27:17: note: found this candidate public func joined() -> FlattenSequence<Self> ^ Swift.Sequence:18:17: note: found this candidate public func joined<Separator : Sequence where Separator.Iterator.Element == Iterator.Element.Iterator.Element>(separator: Separator) -> JoinedSequence<Self> ^ Swift.Sequence:16:17: note: found this candidate public func joined(separator: String = default) -> String ^ Swift.Collection:27:17: note: found this candidate public func joined() -> FlattenCollection<Self> ^
For context, ‘thingies’ is an array of a custom type.
What the compiler wishes it could say, if it weren’t incompetent, is that every one of Array
‘s joined
implementations are conditional. The one that I want is is the second last one, but it is only defined for Array<String>
specifically. No other Array
Similarly every other one is conditional on the Element
type within the Array
being a specific type or protocol, none of which happen to apply to the types I’m using in my Array
Now, my intuition is that since my type is CustomDebugStringConvertible
, that Swift would know then how to convert my type to a String
and then go from there. For better or worse, however, it does not. Instead you have to do it manually, e.g.:
log.debug("\({ String(describing: $0) }).joined(separator: ", "))")
And you can probably tell from that alone that I’m very used to Objective-C, where it’s very easy to write what you intend and get the results you intend.
The gif is brilliant! )))