So, this Easter was actually pretty good, all round. Most of the weekend was spent at my grandparents, with Chris & Andrew, killing time with Starcraft and such. And Worms 2. Ahhh. :)
Not very productive, and full of way too much chocolate, but lots of fun, and relaxing. We also played a bit of cards – Blackjack & Hearts – which was fun; it’s been quite some time since I’ve played any card games at all.
And then there was Warjong… it’s where you build castles out of Mahjong bricks, and then attack each other’s with the little plastic discs. I haven’t played that since I was a kid, and nana would have been quite happy to have kept things that way. :)
While my castle may not have lasted the longest, I feel I won on the grounds of aesthetics and superior Feng Shui. Or somesuch. Whatever. :)
That was about it for the weekend, up to Sunday night, which I’ll cover separately.