You know you’re old when you have aches mostly all over, and you want a higher chair and one of those desks with a under-hung keyboard tray. Ugh. That and voice dictation that actually works. Siri, I love you, but you suck.
You know you’re old when you have aches mostly all over, and you want a higher chair and one of those desks with a under-hung keyboard tray. Ugh. That and voice dictation that actually works. Siri, I love you, but you suck.
Le sigh. It’s that time again. When I’m going to be on the road for a while and I’m going to need more than 2 GiB of data, and more functionality than what my iPad can offer. I’m going to need tethering. Unfortunately I have iOS 6 on my iPhone. So far as I can… Read more
I think the font here on my blog is too big, on my iMac. But it looks really nicely sized on an iPad. D’oh. Throughout primary & secondary school I stubbornly stuck with Geneva 9 pt. Printed, of course… kids today might not know what that means, but when I was growing up the older… Read more
I bought the book Bartending last night, to read before bed. I figured it’d be full of amusing and/or interesting anecdotes, and it would restore my will to live after watching The Hunger Games. The problem is not so much what’s there – it is well enough written, and the stories are interesting, even tending… Read more
There’s a difference between releasing three films in a series and releasing a film in three parts. Unfortunately, it appears “The Hunger Games” is in the latter category. A surprisingly depressing movie. It was well produced; it could have had a great ending. Instead it had… basically nothing. It’s worse than a “bad” ending because… Read more
Easter was spent with Marisa’s parents, and her brother whom flew in from Hawaii for the weekend. Though he wasn’t around much, being very busy catching up with friends and running errands and whooshing off to South Lake Tahoe to go snowboarding. It’s a hard life. :P I realised this Easter – why only after… Read more