Why I cancelled Backblaze

This is the feedback I sent to Backblaze shortly before I cancelled my account with them. For the additional context – the restore failure I alluded to was basically that: So, the departing ‘support’ ticket I filed with them (#167833): Maybe this’ll help your future would-be customers. The main reason is that when I tried… Read more

USB Overdrive is incompatible with the Sigma USB dock

Grrr.  You get a shiny new lens and find out that it’s back-focusing horribly.  Luckily it’s an awesome new Sigma lens which lets you adjust the autofocus system, via the handy Sigma USB Dock.  Unfortunately, you use USB Overdrive.  So when you connect the dock up, attach the lens, and launch Sigma’s “Sigma Optimisation Pro”… Read more

Nikon D5200 firmware bugs

I like my Nikon D5200.  But it has some bugs.  Serious ones.  For example: Hard-hang the entire camera This doesn’t appear to cause any permanent damage, but you will either have to wait a couple of minutes for it to finally recover on its own, or yank the battery to hard reboot it.  The only… Read more