Best viewed on an iPad 3

I really like the text rendering on my iPad 3.  Yes, it’s ostensibly much the same as the iPhone 4 I’ve had for a while.  But it’s not.  The relatively huge screen makes a world of difference. So I’ve changed the font of this ‘ere website to something that looks nicer on the iPad 3.  It… Read more

Stanford’s Game Theory online course

In the interests of SCIENCE! I signed up for the Machine Learning course that Stanford was planning to offer online.  That apparently fell through, so I jumped ship to Game Theory instead.  Which started as of a weekish ago.  It’s an interesting idea, and I suspect that the existence of tests and problem sets will… Read more

iTunes Match

Urgh… the downside of a new iPad is that I now have to put up with the horrible process of getting my music onto it. In the so-called bad old days, I’d sync it to iTunes. It’d take an hour or two and then it’d be done. But that’s not how we do things in… Read more

Settlers 7

I’ve been playing Settlers 7 for a few weeks now. I’m on the last campaign level now. It’s immensely frustrating at times because it’ll often crash on launch repeatedly, requiring a restart of the whole computer before it’ll get going. It’ll also crash occasionally when in the game. Nonetheless it is entertaining. It’s been a… Read more

iPad 3 is finally here

Who delivers an iPad 3 at 2:45 PM on release day?  I mean really… And then it takes two hours to sync all my crap to it.  Makes it a little awkward to really enjoy that “oooh shiny!” moment. But it’s here, and done, and good to go.  It is noticeably heavier than my iPad… Read more

Collection literals

Last week Ted Kremenek added support for container literals and subscripting to Clang. This was noted in various places, though mostly only as a statement and maybe an example of the new container literals. But I wanted to know how they’re implemented. The answer is pretty easy to find. The relevant code follows a similar… Read more

iPad 3 is so close, yet so far

My iPad 3 – yes, it’s an iPad 3, get over it – shipped today.  From Ontario – the Californian variant, apparently, not the Canadian one.  Which means it’s only a few hours drive away.  Yet it’s on hold ’til the 16th for delivery.  Damnit!  So close! The security at a Fedex distribution centre can’t… Read more