iPad full

To compound the issue, my iPad become utterly full once more today, to the point where it refused to even transfer purchases back to my iMac, let alone sync.  Le sigh.  After turning down the sync period for my work account, from a month to just three days, it now claims it recovered 1.8 GiB… Read more

iPad 2 Sold Out

I left work slightly early tonight to visit Best Buy and an AT&T store in search of an iPad 2.  Unfortunately, both were sold out.  Best Buy said they might get another shipment sometime in the next few days, AT&T said they were doing reserved orders only and the backlog was already up to four… Read more

To iPad 2 or Not to iPad 2

Gah, indecision.  I was almost certain I was going to order an iPad 2 right on 1 AM, but now that I go to push through the motions, I find myself backing out.  “Wait ’til morning, see how you feel” crosses my mind.  Damn my insufferable apathy! I’m also tempted just to rock up to… Read more

From the cold ashes

So, journalling again and Xcode 4 and iOS 4.3 and iPad app development.  Interesting. This is of course prompted by my burgeoning desire to do some iPad game development.  I guess the urge really came into effect around New Year’s Eve, at which time I was thoroughly addicted to Game Dev Story.  But I wanted… Read more

Bridge School Benefit Concert

On Saturday I went to the Bridge School Benefit Concert at Shoreline with Erick and his two colleagues, Stefan and Kim. They arrived in S.F. earlier in the week on business, but of course one can’t pass up the opportunity to catch up, and to indulge in some solid touristing – only Erick of the… Read more

I wonder if the banks wonder why people hate them?

So I was set to phone home tonight, except I’m out of credit on Skype. No problem! With my futuristic money applying device, the Credit Card™, I can just refill my account instantly and be chatting away in no time. Except that Skype are refusing my card. In fact, all my cards. As did Blizzard,… Read more