iPhone tethering

Le sigh.  It’s that time again.  When I’m going to be on the road for a while and I’m going to need more than 2 GiB of data, and more functionality than what my iPad can offer.  I’m going to need tethering. Unfortunately I have iOS 6 on my iPhone.  So far as I can… Read more

iOS Security outline

Only a few pages into the iOS Security document released by Apple today, and already there’s a notable error.  It states: Apps can’t share data directly with each other; sharing can be implemented only by both the receiving and sending apps using custom URL schemes, or through shared keychain access groups. False, at least partially.… Read more

Font sizes

I think the font here on my blog is too big, on my iMac.  But it looks really nicely sized on an iPad.  D’oh. Throughout primary & secondary school I stubbornly stuck with Geneva 9 pt.  Printed, of course… kids today might not know what that means, but when I was growing up the older… Read more

CMake & Xcode 4

I’ve wanted to try out a few little projects based around llvm/clang for a while now.  I grabbed the sources from svn last week, and have been perusing them, and their documentation, randomly.  Today I caught wind of the supposed support for Xcode (in the form of Xcode project files) via CMake.  “Awesome!”, I thought,… Read more


I bought the book Bartending last night, to read before bed. I figured it’d be full of amusing and/or interesting anecdotes, and it would restore my will to live after watching The Hunger Games. The problem is not so much what’s there – it is well enough written, and the stories are interesting, even tending… Read more

The Hunger Games

There’s a difference between releasing three films in a series and releasing a film in three parts.  Unfortunately, it appears “The Hunger Games” is in the latter category. A surprisingly depressing movie.  It was well produced; it could have had a great ending.  Instead it had… basically nothing.  It’s worse than a “bad” ending because… Read more