Creative ways to waste money

1) Went and got all the extra electronic parts I need to actually extend my speakers (first try resulted in the right RCA sockets and plugs, but a poor choice in wiring, and complete oversight of the fact that the stereo connection from the computer to the sub also had to be extended), as well… Read more

iCal & AddressBook integration

I like the way iCal instantly updates it’s birthdays when you change them in AddressBook. That’s really good – completely painless. While it’s a pretty simple thing, it’s rarely done right, if at all – too many apps only update when you refresh the view, manually update, restart the program, etc… not good. Apple got… Read more

Driving lessons

1) Booked in for my first driving lesson! No, really! :) I’m only 5 and a half years late, but, you know, time flies. :) As it turns out, the small print in getting a Californian license is that if you haven’t held a license before (from any country; doesn’t have to be Californian or… Read more

Oh the wasted cycles

An assignment I have at the moment is a simple cache simulator, as I think I’ve said before. Anyway, I thought the code was all done – all good. The results made sense, and it seemed to correspond with what dineroIV (a popular and powerful open source cache simulator, which we’re using as our reference,… Read more

Real-time backup

An idea I had a while ago was to implement a real-time backup system, which saves copies of files as they’re modified to a 2nd location. In the simplest form this would be a kind of manual mirrored RAID setup, which could work at the directory or volume level rather than disk level. The problem… Read more