FedEx – Nearly 7 Seconds without a Cockup!
Great news! My visa paperwork, the key, most critical document absolutely necessary for me to even start an interview at the U.S. consulate, is having a wonderful holiday in the Bahamas. Yes, FedEx have managed to misplace an entire shipment, which was due for Sydney, but which is now happily sunning it up… somewhere. sigh… Read more
The Sims 3
It strikes me as odd that games like The Sims or Space Colony always have you forcing your little simulated personalities to train in different things. It’s the generic level-up scheme adopted by computer games since the year dot. And it’s really boring. And unrealistic. In reality, I don’t decide “hey, I’m going to learn… Read more
Of some things certain…
For what it’s worth, I don’t want anyone to ever give up on me… if I end up in a situation like Bronwyn. Heck, anyone who evenly remotely knows me knows how stubborn I am – I don’t give up the things I like, and I’m quite happy living right now. <:) But if despite… Read more
Bron 4
Just came back from the hospital again… for the last time. When I arrived there today, at about 4, the place was packed with all Bron’s family and friends. More than yesterday, this time they really did take up every seat in the waiting rooms, and more… there must have been forty or more people… Read more
Bron 2
Laz has been given the unfortunate task of Bearer of Bad News, having visited Bron this morning. She’s still with us, but apparently it’s time for everyone to say their goodbyes… the following’s from Laz. I heard from Brons mum this morning. The word is, say your good byes, she can’t recover from this. I… Read more