Commenting on photos
After a bit of fiddling, I’ve managed to get commenting & trackback available for my photos. I appreciate all input on them, good and bad. You’ll also notice my portrait has appeared in the top right. :D
After a bit of fiddling, I’ve managed to get commenting & trackback available for my photos. I appreciate all input on them, good and bad. You’ll also notice my portrait has appeared in the top right. :D
I’m reading back over this journal, which after all is why it was created to start with – for self reflection – and I’m reminded of a few things I find important. I mentioned Myers-Briggs testing, and that area before, but forgot one very important realisation that came from that lecture. It is that I’m… Read more
My mouse is dying. Again. This is about the fourth one in twelve months, and it’s actually a name-brand one (Logitech). Stupid mice. I’ve never had any luck with any mice except the ones that come with Macs. I’ve still got some that are well over a decade old, and they work perfectly. ‘course, they… Read more
I just realised that I hadn’t changed the time zone on my camera since getting back from California. So all my photos have incorrect time & date stamps. I’ve taken 137 since I got back. Damn it! This is going to take a while… :/
So…. yeah, it’s been a while. :) I just haven’t felt like writing here, basically, but I don’t want to leave it to die. So, let’s recap the last few weeks quickly. I still haven’t gotten myself a bike. Mainly I just haven’t had time. I think I’ll need to get something for this weekend…… Read more
Yesterday in the ENT (Entrepreneurship) lecture, we looked at Myers-Briggs tests and “Emotional IQ”. In the context of constructing teams that work well together, and the like. This reminds me of TheSpark – a website that still exists, albeit as a shadow of it’s former self, which was immensely popular back in high school. It… Read more
Now, some people will recall years ago I played The Sims feverishly. I primarily looked after a family containing myself, Sket, Bobo, Damien & Sarah. And occasionally a few others, who came and went. Originally this just began as such because I lack the miniscule level of creativity necessary to invent an original family. ;)… Read more