Kitten, meet Front Row

Now, it’s well known that youngins of all species do not mix well with computers, given that they typically don’t understand the concept of “oh sweet jezuit that’s expensive don’t do that!”. ‘course, some people apparently don’t mind the occasional flirt with danger, such as the owner of this shiny new MacBook Pro. Thanks to… Read more

Google really should protect me against me

I was just Googling for an expression, something along the lines of “OMG lk thts so qte!”… I’m having a mindblank, but it’s one of the epitomal expressions associated with your typical 16 year old girl online. So I Googled first for “OMG cute”, which was too generic. I then added “16 year old” to… Read more

All I know I learnt from IMDB

Ah-ha! I knew it; Enrico Colantoni – better known as Elliot DiMauro on Just Shoot Me – is one of the aliens in Galaxy Quest; so says IMDB. No one else figured it, but I was sure it was him… his physical appearance in Galaxy Quest is a little distorted, but that’s intentional; he is… Read more

RFS Assignment

I got my marked RFS assignment back today, the one here. I was given 87.5% for it, which I’m not too thrilled about. I think it was quite a good assignment, really. I understand the topic – I’ve been working in the area for years – and although my write-up does have some of the… Read more

Gah! Curses!

The 300 meg vidcast I was just downloading failed with one measly pixel to go [on the progress bar]… damnit! The VPN connection died… I was watching the progress bar and just thinking right at that moment, “you know what would really suck right at this point?…”. asdf;lkjawre;toginadfv;oaidfhg;asijdflckjh

Going solo

In theme with the previous comment on interior doors, I think I’ve had enough of shared living. Sure, Travis & Aidan are pretty good as far as housemates go; they’re not typically inconsiderate or anything. It’s just the simple logistics of sharing a house with people who don’t share timetables or lifestyles; I tend to… Read more