Gym redux

I finally got off my posterior and rejoined the gym last Tuesday or somesuch. I haven’t actually been yet… I thought there was some process to be done before I could officially use the sign-in machine, but, I haven’t heard anything thus far, so I guess I’m all set already. So, I might go tomorrow… Read more

This weekend

I didn’t get up to much yesterday – just watched a movie, did some washing, played far too much Halo; all the usual. I did even less work today; I had intended on going for a bike ride and maybe catching a movie in the evening (Stardust caught my eye by way of it’s trailer,… Read more

So now that .Mac supports CNAME domain redirection kung-foo happy magic, whatever the hell it all means, I can apparently point at my website. Sweet. And it does indeed work, marginally… I’m still fiddling with it all, but I have indeed registered to my little ol’ self. For the moment it points at… Read more

License to kill

My Californian license arrived in the mail the other day. So I’m now fully qualified and authorised to drive recklessly, ignore pedestrians, drift between lanes, religiously never use indicators, and never do anything less than 20mph above the speed limit. Yay! :D

Things people tell me

“it’s not enough, interaction with you can always be improved in frequency, duration, and mediums” Ouch. :D Obviously that’s completely out of context, but it only makes sense within, and isn’t nearly as amusing. :)