ffmpeg can produce pseudo-corrupt audio when ‘copy’ing to an MP4 container

I’ve been using ffmpeg to trim clips from a trail camera, as most of the time there’s only a few seconds of anything interesting in frame out of the 30+ seconds of video it records each time, but I don’t want to re-encode them and lose video quality as a result (or balloon file sizes… Read more

Apple Mail crashes on launch if connection logging is enabled

This was a fun one.  Mail started crashing on launch for absolutely no apparent reason – nothing had changed to its config or similar in a long time.  The crash logs were all fingering an identical culprit – -[IMAPTaskManager secondaryIdleMailboxName] called on the wrong GCD queue: Process: Mail [19884] Path: /Applications/Mail.app/Contents/MacOS/Mail Identifier: com.apple.mail Version: 11.3… Read more

Things you find googling yourself

In no particular order. The Hotline File Transfer Protocol v1.1.1.  I presume I was interested in, or actively doing, a third party Hotline client.  I did tend to make lots of data transfer clients back then (e.g. HTTP, FTP, even POP3 & SMTP). My little gallery of childhood toys & memorabilia.  I hadn’t forgotten about this… Read more

Encrypted RAID volumes in El Capitan

Apple crippled Disk Utility in El Capitan, in their usual name of making good functional things pretty & pretty useless. Luckily I’m far from the first person to need to create RAID and/or encrypted CoreStorage volumes, in El Capitan.  Florian Knapp has a concise summary of how to set up an encrypted RAID volume.  Tom… Read more

Stanford’s Game Theory online course

In the interests of SCIENCE! I signed up for the Machine Learning course that Stanford was planning to offer online.  That apparently fell through, so I jumped ship to Game Theory instead.  Which started as of a weekish ago.  It’s an interesting idea, and I suspect that the existence of tests and problem sets will… Read more