Retirement Vehicles

I just remembered another anecdote from my ride to Rancho San Antonio. At the retirement town there, they had a medical centre. In the carpark out the front, every second spot was taken by a golf cart. It looked hilarious. :) I’m quite jealous… wish I had a golf cart.

Riding to San Jose (well, trying)

So I’ve had a pretty good day, exercise wise. This morning I went the gym and worked out for an hour or so – just light stuff for the moment to ease myself into it. Then Ash and I went for a ride down towards San Jose, as traced on this map. I included a… Read more

Hockey and Gym

So, I went to the gym this morning and signed up, all shiny and proper. Signing up just involved a blood pressure and heart rate test, to make sure I wasn’t about to die on them, and a tour of the facility. It’s pretty nice – a whole range of equipment, and a whole variety… Read more

Time Compression

So, there’s a mini-series on SciFi at the moment called The Triangle. Sam Niel, the chick from Jag, and a few other familiar faces. Quite good, actually. The especially interesting part of it all – given the show’s about time travel and distortion, etc – is how all three parts have appeared on TV some… Read more

Hershey’s is the new Cadbury’s

The grossly dominant brand of confectionary here is Hershey’s, of course. They’re really not that big on milk chocolate here at all – Hershey’s is not. It’s the same chocolate you get in M&Ms (which, yes, are available here, but they’re pretty expensive). While it works well in M&Ms, because it’s slightly richer, when you… Read more

Pizza Hut?

We went to Pizza Hut tonight. I don’t know why, but I decided when leaving work today that I really wanted to have Pizza Hut. Of course, Pizza Hut here is not exactly what I’m used to… it was more or less just a sports bar, that happened to serve massively overpriced pizza – $20… Read more