If only Ferarris were legal tender…

Also, note to self: I owe Bronwyn one Ferrari or one lift in my car, whichever comes first. 😆 She gave me a lift to the cinemas last night, after the bus decided not to appear. She had to drive all the way back from Frankston to pick me up (from Mt. Eliza), and she… Read more

I want my giggle back

Daylight savings sucks. I want my hour back. Also, tiny pins get hot when soldered. This Just In. I was using my thumbnail to hold the opposite end to that which I was soldering, only the board slipped… I now have a small but precise square dint in my thumb. Yep, the excitement never ends… Read more

Taken for granted

It’s interesting how some people seem to think they can’t be taken for granted… that every time they don’t cheat on their partner, their partner should somehow make an exception of that, and celebrate them greatly. Personally, I do take it for granted that my partner won’t be unfaithful. I have better things to celebrate… Read more

I-Day -1

Tomorrow morning we have a house inspection from the realtor, which is always fun – there’s a little flurry of activity right beforehand where Anton, Damien & Laura try to spruce the place up to a liveable standard. I did my part – I swept some cobwebs and spider-webs away. Now all the spiders in… Read more

%#@! daylight savings

Damnit, here I am thinking I’ll get a reasonable night’s rest, and be in bed by 2am… and then 2am disappears. Now it’s after 3am. #%$! daylight savings.

The answer is 42… wait, not even that – 37

I think I grossly overestimated the performance of this VIA EPIA-SP8000E mainboard. It gets a 3DMark03 score of 37. Yes, a whole 37. For comparison, a half-way decent score for a modern PC is at least 10000. Yes, all those zeros. This is going to be an interesting demo… Marker: “So, does it run Halo?”.Me:… Read more

My Other Car is a Jet Plane

I think one of my callings might be a race car driver, or somesuch. Put me in anything with wheels and you’ll be eating my dust. Which of course is a problem, when it comes to getting a license. Car goes forward. Car doesn’t stop. Not natural. ;) Gah, it’s going to be a disaster.… Read more