Ahhh… yes, now I remember why I hate Word

I guess it has been well over a year since I last had to use Word much, so my temporary lapse of judgement in deciding to use it again isn’t entirely without excuse. I’m particularly annoyed at it when Track Changes is turned on. It simply stops responding to inputs periodically. Not wanting to delete… Read more

Damn fancy Google kitchens

It seems unlikely, nay uncanny, but the evidence is irrefutable – Google’s Sydney office was designed specifically for me. Just me. They’re really too kind. They even include fruit for me to throw at people who try to steal my Smarties. :D

Chocolate porridge

I did actually finally get the nerve together to try the “mousse” I made. Despite having the wrong consistency, it’s actually very good. Well… was… all gone now. :D After much reflection, research and training, I think I’ve got an idea on how to make it again, but even better… mousse Mk 2. Although all… Read more

Uni work to date

I’ve put up the source to all my interesting assignments from uni to date, available from this page. I guess the source itself won’t be of much interest to most people, but the descriptions might provide insight into the sort of stuff we have to do.

Impossible mousse

I just wanted to detail why it is apparently impossible to make chocolate mousse, contrary to empirical evidence. Yes, whatever you’ve been served under the guise of “mousse” most certainly is not. I’m very sorry. For a start, let’s look at the problem of a recipe… I did a Google for “chocolate mousse recipe”, and… Read more