New battery for FatMac

As I mentioned already, I replaced my Powerbook’s battery finally. I figured while it was getting repaired would be a good time for it. I received the replacement battery within a day or two, from memory, which was pretty nice, and sent back my old one yesterday – it wasn’t ‘due’ back until July or… Read more


I went to see the movie 300 Saturday night, because I was bored, needed to get out of the house, and had been unsuccessful at convincing anyone else to go see ‘Next’ with me that night; we’d put that off until Sunday, as I previously detailed. So I figured 300 would be good, because it’s… Read more

FatMac II: Die Another Day

As some people already know, I had a rather sad time the other weekend. The Friday night (the 27th of April) my Powerbook, affectionately known as FatMac (it seemed really big compared to my 12″ iBook), unceremoniously died. Damn. It had a dint in the edge, next to the power plug, more or less since… Read more

To those just joining us…

Just a note for those people who might be just starting to read this – I’m thinking of people from Contiki, mainly – please take it with both a grain of salt and some understanding. I’m pretty honest here, and there’s plenty of things I’ve written about which I’m not proud of. But I put… Read more

Flickr account

I’ve been sorting through my New Zealand photos… I’ve done a first screening pass – where I pick which ones are publishable – and am now going through and naming all of them (and commenting on some). After that comes a second screening, where I double-check the ones I chose the first time round. And… Read more

First iTMS purchase

I’ve just bought Taxiride’s ‘Imaginate’ album from the iTMS. It’s the first thing I’ve bought there. Aside from being $9.99 + Applicable State and Federal Taxes poorer, I don’t feel any different. I was tossing up whether or not to use the iTMS… I sort of put it to myself that if they had a… Read more

Ever so slowly getting there

It’s been a surprisingly busy week, as is likely evident by the fact that I haven’t written anything about it yet. I have started going through my NZ photos, but there’s 1950 of them, so it’s going to take some time. A fair fewer turned out than I’d hoped, with the killer in 95% of… Read more