810 photos to go

I am working slowly through my New Zealand photos, believe it or not. Only 810 to go, now… sooo many. And the scenic ones sometimes take ages, because I have to spend all evening in Google Earth trying to figure out what the heck I’ve photographed. I’ve been mostly successful thus far, though, and it… Read more

You win some, you lose some

Today I did very little. Read a bit of Mac OS X Internals, which I bought earlier in the week – finally; I’d had my eye on it for a year or so – and played some games, and whatnot. I was trying to motivate myself to keep going through my New Zealand photos and… Read more

Movies, my life is apparently nothing but movies

I grabbed “The Brothers Grimm” & “Fun with Dick & Jane” from Netflix early last week. I’d been trying to see The Brothers Grimm for ages – I’d missed it in the cinemas, despite my best efforts, and just hadn’t seen it around or been suitably inclined to find it. So it was rather disappointing… Read more

Dentist Redux

I went to the dentist once more yesterday, to have the remaining two fillings done. The process was much faster this time – less work to be done, and we all knew the process now. It worked much the same as last time, excepting, notably, that this time I’m not sure how well the anaesthetic… Read more

What’s the best way from here to London?

Ever wondered what the best way to get from, say, my place, to, say, London, is? [Comma comma comma comma hwau] *ahem* Well, the logical thing would be to ask trusty old Google Maps. Now, Google Maps is reasonable in Australia – it’s not very up to date, and it’s true it does occasionally invent… Read more

Is it safe?

So, since I arrived here in the U.S. I’ve been using Listerine in addition to my usual brushing. I’m not sure exactly why – I guess just ’cause I was out shopping for the first time, buying soap and bathroom stuff and whatnot, and it was there, so I thought ‘hey, why not, all the… Read more

Notes on Flickr photos

Just a note, I’ve decided – in the light of the FatMac escapades – to upload all my photos to Flickr, not just those I actually want people to see. Some will be completely private – not that I have any of those sorts of photos, don’t get too excited – but any that are… Read more