Improv Everywhere strikes again!

For those who aren’t up on the Slashdot archives, the Improv Everywhere movement is just a bunch of people who get together to do weird and crazy things occasionally. Their latest escapade is particularly good – they managed to get together 80 people (how I envy their organisational skills), all dressed up like employees of… Read more

Revolutionary file & print sharing… wtf?

Okay, so, this is just too bad to let by. ComputerWorld are all excited by the newly redesigned file & print sharing in Vista. The details are here. Now, I was genuinely curious how things were being changed. About half way through the article, however, I became suspicious. For example, the Documents and Settings folder… Read more

Corporate Theft

I guess this takes the phrase “Corporate Theft” to new levels… apparently a group spread across Asia has, for years, been operating a shadow NEC. Beyond just copying authentic NEC products, they actually developed their own original ones. The details aren’t too prevalent in the article, but it seems that this has been done by… Read more

UC Berkeley on iTunes U

Just recently – I found out yesterday – the University of California, Berkeley, made available a whole swathe of lectures available through the iTunes Music Store. Their website on this is here, which has the gateway link into the relevant part of the store. It’s worth noting that Apple are providing the hosting for all… Read more

Microsoft’s Mac Business Unit

There’s a nice little blog entry from David Weiss here, which is a little exposé of the MacBU at Microsoft. Of particular interest is their array of 150 Mac Mini’s (PPC ones) for doing automated testing. Yikes. And yet, despite all this apparent effort, Office still sucks. I’ve had to give up directly working on… Read more

Light Field Photography with a Hand-Held Plenoptic Camera

I finally found [again] information on the awesome new camera being prototyped at Stanford. It’s a camera which captures the entire light field inside the lense at one instant, rather than just capturing incident light on a receptor, as do existing cameras. Meaning, it records the direction of the light as well as it’s position.… Read more

Hard work always leads somewhere

A lovely little article here on procrastination. No, not how to avoid, or conversely some comic justification for it. Instead, it’s a thoughtful consideration of the types of procrastination, and then, what it really means to procrastinate. One thing which I really jive with is the talk about tackling big projects. It’s so hard for… Read more