
So I mentioned Laserforce to Rob the other week, after I went, and suggested he should try it. He agreed, and we finally made it down there on Saturday night. Jess & Kate came as well, all in the same car (Jess’). They were going to play, or at least that was the impression they… Read more


Last Tuesday was kayaking as usual, and it went well. As previously noted, I’m comfortable paddle rolling now. I’ve been trying on the odd occasion to hand roll, but the best I can do is get half-way, if that… of course, I usually decide to try at the end, when I’m ditching anyway, which is… Read more


After all the excitement Friday night, I was pretty happy not to do much at all Saturday… I hung about my mum’s for the afternoon, aside from a brief spell when we were booted out while people looked through the house, but then Sket had invited me to bowling the night before, to which I’d… Read more

Ice skating

Last Friday Chris invited me along to ice skating, organised by (I think) the law society at his uni. I passed on the invite, and collected Laz, Sarah, Ann-Marie and Scotty along the way. It was the first time Ann-Marie had ice skated, although she’d rollerbladed before, and the first time for anything of the… Read more

Axis & Allies

It was Rob’s birthday back on the… 18th, I think. I’m sure he’ll correct me when he reads this. Anyway, this year that was somewhat brushed over with project and whatnot, and I had my dad’s 50th that weekend so I couldn’t join Rob. He went to Darkzone in Box Hill with his sister and… Read more

Alco’s birthday

Last Friday was Alco’s birthday (party, anyway… not sure when the actual day is). Ben & Sverre hosted a gathering at their place, which I went to… I was tossing up whether or not to go, but in the absence of a tangible reason not to, I relented. I think I figured that with Open… Read more

Return to kayaking

Tonight I went to kayaking for the first time in a while… about a month or so. I was in two minds a bit, because I was rather tired today – I stayed up a bit late, and given I had a 10am lecture, subsequently didn’t get much sleep. But once I was there and… Read more