Beware of specifying isolation requirements for whole protocols

Matt Massicotte has a well-written, brief introduction to isolation in Swift. But it mostly just enumerates the state of things, without offering much guidance. One pitfall in particular is important to call out, regarding isolated protocols. These might seem pretty similar – you’d be forgiven for assuming it’s just a convenience to put @MainActor on… Read more

A brief introduction to type memory layout in Swift

Most of the time we Swift programmers don’t really think about how our types – structs, classes, actors, enums, etc – are represented in memory. We just deal with them abstractly, knowing that somehow the compiler boils them down to a bunch of bytes, handling all the complexity of wrangling those bytes for us. However,… Read more

Swift `print` takes multiple arguments

I forget this too often, and write things like: Sometimes I feel like I’m really just writing stress-tests for the Swift syntax parser. The above can actually be written a bit more simply, as: Not just fewer characters, but conceptually simpler – fewer nested parenthesis, and no nested string literals at all. See, print‘s function… Read more

Hiding SwiftUI views

There are several ways to hide a SwiftUI view, although they don’t all agree on what it means to hide the view. Do you want it to be invisible, or actually not there? To make it invisible you need only set its opacity to zero or use the hidden modifier. But the view will still… Read more