Mmmm… delicious fatty goodness…

Do you know what this means? It means I’ve got our little FAT driver reading the entire FAT32 boot sector. What’s more, this is the very first ever run of this code; not a single error [that I can see]! Needless to say, I’m pretty much glowing right now. :D [Session started at 2006-05-11 12:28:42… Read more

FAT detection

To introduce with the conclusion, I’ve finally got my little disk driver – for the electronics project – detecting FAT formatted volumes (non-partitioned), and determining whether they’re FAT12, FAT16 or FAT32. This is a surprisingly difficult thing to do, it seems. There’s not any handy flag anywhere that says what format the volume is. If… Read more

Oh the wasted cycles

An assignment I have at the moment is a simple cache simulator, as I think I’ve said before. Anyway, I thought the code was all done – all good. The results made sense, and it seemed to correspond with what dineroIV (a popular and powerful open source cache simulator, which we’re using as our reference,… Read more