Stupid Intel

Yeah yeah, I suppose I’m just going to have to get used to it now with Apple moving to x86, but that doesn’t mean I have to like it. I’m talking about the wrong endianness, of course: little-endian. That’s what the problem was with the directory recursion; I was reading the cluster address as big… Read more

Interesting file names

Yes, I think it’s broken. 😜 On the upside, “Code” definitely is a directory. 🙂 /Users/wadetregaskis/Documents/School/Fifth Year/ENP/Project/FATShell/FATDriver.c:514 (FATOpenFile) – Current offset: 96/Users/wadetregaskis/Documents/School/Fifth Year/ENP/Project/FATShell/FATDriver.c:534 (FATOpenFile) – Current condensed directory entry: AC/Users/wadetregaskis/Documents/School/Fifth Year/ENP/Project/FATShell/FATDriver.c:514 (FATOpenFile) – Current offset: 128/Users/wadetregaskis/Documents/School/Fifth Year/ENP/Project/FATShell/FATDriver.c:534 (FATOpenFile) – Current condensed directory entry: CODE /Users/wadetregaskis/Documents/School/Fifth Year/ENP/Project/FATShell/FATDriver.c:491 (FATOpenFile) – Current block logical address: 19374080/Users/wadetregaskis/Documents/School/Fifth Year/ENP/Project/FATShell/FATDriver.c:514 (FATOpenFile)… Read more

Better FAT reading

I’ve finally gotten back to working on the FAT driver for ENP, and I’ve made pretty good progress in the short time I’ve been working on it. Previously I was only reading the first block of a directory entry, because I wasn’t then moving to the next block. I also didn’t have any code to… Read more

The in and inout’s of VHDL

On Friday I rocked up to the lab in the early afternoon, having taken the liberty of a good sleep in. Although my part was more or less finished at that point, with everything working fine – finally! – I wanted to add in some extra features, as I noted previously. Also, we needed to… Read more

Always the devil you know

So, ADD… well, let’s conclude first: it’s working now. Pretty flawlessly, too. And yes, as expected, all my frustrated random changes were fruitless and pointless; the code was more or less correct days ago. So, let’s rehash today. I slept in as much as I could… I did plan on getting up at 9, but… Read more

Convention’s for sissies and people who like their life

So, another day, another few hours of my life forever wasted. Today’s ADD bug was particular sinister – the seven-segment display was displaying all the digits over each other, as I noted previously. The trick with this quad-digit display is that it only has one set of segment inputs; you can direct which if any… Read more

It works perfectly… in simulation

Rob & I spent most of the day in the ADD lab, working on ADD and, in his case, the ENP presentation for tomorrow morning. It took me a little while to get the code to compile; HDL Designer had gone and randomly renamed dozens of signals, as it tends to do, which I then… Read more