Who’da thunkit?

Well, I never thought it would happen, but it turns out one of those annoying chores of uni work actually paid off, in a non-too-trivial way. For project we’re expected to keep, and are marked on, a log book. Now, I’m all for taking notes of things; everything within reach of my desk has crap… Read more

We don’t need no stinkin’ C99

So, last Sunday was La Trobe’s Open Day. Rob & I volunteered (or were possibly conscripted… hard to tell) to present our project on the day. I figured it’d just be a good way to earn brownie points while doing work I should be doing anyway. :D As it turns out, because we were up… Read more

Hacking Google Maps

A word of warning: this is a particularly aloof entry, because it’s for my own interest more than anything else. Sorry if it makes no sense to anyone else. :) I’ve spent quite a bit of time trying to find some software to do flight mapping for the UAV, so I can avoid writing it… Read more

FAT Complete

Successfully created “/NewDir/”.Successfully closed “/NewDir/”.Successfully created “/NewDir/NewFile4”.Successfully closed “/NewDir/NewFile4”. So that’s it; my FAT driver is now complete enough for our purposes, and I’m confident enough that it works.

The virtues of singular exits

I’m reminded now about the virtues of singular exits – that is, functions with only one exit point. I was a bit lazy while writing the FAT driver code, and put in a bazillion exit points. The only thing that was really surprising about that, in hindsight, is how long I managed to get away… Read more

CRC7? Are you mad?

For the last day or two I’ve been getting well versed on the MMC/SD card protocol. You can’t actually get official documentation, officially, but I’ve managed to find a few documents from SanDisk which do actually cover the important parts. There’s also heaps of existing implementations out there which I’ve been referring to, so development… Read more