No more Dark Mode support

For about a month I was using WP Dark Mode. I don’t really recall how I thought upon it to begin with, but I vaguely recall choosing to install it because it seemed kind to support dark mode. Even though I don’t use it myself, it does seem to have a non-trivial following. And I… Read more

Swift code syntax highlighting in WordPress

ContentsBaseline: XcodeCommon limitation: no Light/Dark mode supportThe contestantsCode Block ProPerformanceProsConsCodeColorerPerformanceCode Syntax BlockPerformanceProsConsEnlighterPerformanceProsConsHighlighting Code BlockPerformanceProsConsPrismaticSyntax-highlighting Code Block (with Server-side Rendering)PerformanceProsConsSyntaxHighlighter EvolvedPerformanceProsConsUrvanov Syntax HighlighterPerformanceProsConsThe winnerWhat are other websites using? The built-in “code” block for WordPress (the CMS I use for this site) is virtually useless – it’s just a <pre> block, essentially. The appearance may vary depending… Read more