Tomorrow I’m off to Orlando, Florida, for a few days. Work; career fair thing. Should be good. My flights are pretty evil – three hour stop overs in Atlanta & L.A. (there and back, respectively), which is retarded, but.. about my luck. There’s even the claim that the L.A. to S.F. leg is a turboprop. That’s right, one of those quaint historic aircraft from the last century that actually has little propellers that spin their little hearts out. I seriously did not think any airlines here still ran passenger turboprops. doesn’t even acknowledge that the airline in question has them. So, we’ll see; maybe “turboprop” is a very strange name for “leerjet”.
For a country that has such a massive volume of domestic airline traffic, especially between L.A. and S.F., I will never, in my life, understand WTF they still run buses-with-wings. If I cannot stand up in any part of the aircraft, not even the aisles, it should be crushed into metre-square cubes. With the designers of said atrocities in the middle. Seriously, people, what were you thinking… “hey guys, lets make a plane that’ll seat 30 small toddlers moderately comfortably… yeah!”…
Alas I don’t have that much spare time in the trip, which is kind of poor planning on my part – I could have delayed the return flight and taken the weekend – and means I probably won’t be able to enjoy much of the amusements on offer. Ah well.