Hershey’s is the new Cadbury’s

The grossly dominant brand of confectionary here is Hershey’s, of course. They’re really not that big on milk chocolate here at all – Hershey’s is not. It’s the same chocolate you get in M&Ms (which, yes, are available here, but they’re pretty expensive). While it works well in M&Ms, because it’s slightly richer, when you… Read more

Pizza Hut?

We went to Pizza Hut tonight. I don’t know why, but I decided when leaving work today that I really wanted to have Pizza Hut. Of course, Pizza Hut here is not exactly what I’m used to… it was more or less just a sports bar, that happened to serve massively overpriced pizza – $20… Read more

Lilo & Stitch for breakfast!

I was having such trouble deciding what to buy yesterday when we went grocery shopping… by and large there’s no familiar brands or products. Just try finding normal peanut butter here, let alone vegemyte or anything… :( But when I arrived at the cereal section, it took only moments to decide. And thus now with… Read more

Of separation of church and state

There used to be this idea that government would be distinct and separate from religion. Don’t know what happened to it. Context: from the U.S. Social Security website (here), “No SSNs with an area number of “666” have been or will be assigned.”

FedEx – Nearly 7 Seconds without a Cockup!

Great news! My visa paperwork, the key, most critical document absolutely necessary for me to even start an interview at the U.S. consulate, is having a wonderful holiday in the Bahamas. Yes, FedEx have managed to misplace an entire shipment, which was due for Sydney, but which is now happily sunning it up… somewhere. sigh… Read more

Of some things certain…

For what it’s worth, I don’t want anyone to ever give up on me… if I end up in a situation like Bronwyn. Heck, anyone who evenly remotely knows me knows how stubborn I am – I don’t give up the things I like, and I’m quite happy living right now. <:) But if despite… Read more