Porsha Playing
Just a heads up, there’s some neato photos here of Porsha playing. This will be on the exam.
Just a heads up, there’s some neato photos here of Porsha playing. This will be on the exam.
Just a random snipet from out of the wild blue yonder…. here.
So my total for the second set of ten weights sessions comes to around 67,875 pounds, up from 48,330 in the first ten. Not as big an improvement as I would have liked, but given how much time I’ve lost as a result of the bike fall and last weekend’s travels, I guess it’s not… Read more
I was asked where I eat. So, here’s a photo. It’s perhaps not the most formal of dinning tables… maybe I should get some candles or something. ;)
I think this one’s pretty self explanatory. These sorts of error dialogs aren’t typically very useful anyway, but this one apparently went well out of it’s way to make sure it conveyed no information at all.
So I’ve just noticed that nearly a third of my journal entries start with “So”. And thus, in true talentless blogger style, I immediately jumped at the opportunity to write an entirely accurate and informative, yet utterly useless entry on it. Awesome. Just so this isn’t a complete waste of time, I’m getting really sick… Read more
So a while ago I met Laz, through Bronwyn & Alco, and the topic of roleplaying or somesuch came up. He invited me into a D&D group he was just starting. So, we all know what D&D is – Dungeons & Dragons. Laz has been DMing – Dungeon Master(ing) – for a long time. The… Read more