So I can say I tried

I want to note down my feelings before tonight actually goes ahead, to see if they change. But the sentiment I have at the moment is not entirely happy. I’m particularly not inclined, right now, to go trying to organise anything else in future. It’s a never ending stream of micro-disasters, leading to one big… Read more

Myers-Briggs test result

So for ENT we’re supposed to get the Myers-Briggs profiles of each team member. I noted a while back that I was looking at this sort of stuff. At the time I didn’t find a free online Myers-Briggs test; thanks to Rob, I now have. And the results are in, I’m INTJ. Reading through it,… Read more

High protein corn

You know what’s really annoying? When you’re just sitting down, finishing off a rather enjoyable meal, only to look down at what little remains and realise it’s got a nice little larval slug thing in it. Just lovely. So, I think I’ll skip the cobbed corn for a little bit. The Birds Eye variety, at… Read more

NetDoubler X!

So, here I am, trying to do some work and all that, and I start downloading something over a VPN connection. Then I notice that Activity Monitor’s claiming 90k/s. On a 50k/s ADSL connection. Awesome! I guess I’m not surprised that the VPN tunnel compresses it’s data, just that it actually works. And this is… Read more

Overly lossy video compression

Pop-quiz, young grasshopper… your program is about to embark on an 11-hour exodus into the land of the the eternal progress bar, but the path the user’s given you to save the result to is “invalid”. More specifically, it is actually valid, but contains directories that don’t yet exist, and for reasons beyond mortal comprehension… Read more

How many passwords do you really know?

I’m probably more of an exception than most people, but not that exceptional, insofar as I have a lot of passwords. Dozens and dozens of them. Possibly hundreds. There’s 325, in fact, in my Keychain, which only encompasses the electronic side… then there’s things like bankcard PINs, secret words and such junk for all sorts… Read more

Dungeons & Dragons Starcraft

Yes, believe it or not, there is a D&D Starcraft map. Chris & I tested it out a bit together… it actually represents a huge amount of work by some very very bored person(s). They’ve really pushed the limits of what Starcraft can realistically do; well beyond what’s officially supported with StarEdit. Until now I… Read more