One more week down

Not a lot more to report. I have another filling, which from memory brings the total to eight. I’m starting to regret going for the new-fangled non-metallic fillings; I’d be halfway to Jaws by now otherwise. ;) On the upside, I skipped the anaesthetic so it took less time than a regular check-up, woo-hoo! I’ve… Read more

Latest shenanigans

So, what have I been up to lately. Not a lot, really. Saturday I caught up with Julius before he went back to Germany. Got flashed by a red light camera in Menlo Park on the way back from that, which was just awesome. Not a lot I could have done about that; wrong place… Read more

Home safe if not sound

My Canada jaunt went really well, and was great fun, but the day I left I came down with something nasty – probably just the flu, but some kind of Canadian super-flu – which has had me laid out since. I’m getting better, but very slowly.. I haven’t been this sick since glandular fever, from… Read more

What’s yours is yours… but mostly ours

When I got to work yesterday, having dodged a homicidal FedEx van with my name apparently on it – at least I know what my ABS brakes sound like now, which would be like the sound of my wheels falling off – I was greeted by an email from payroll informing me they hadn’t calculated… Read more

Tax return

My tax return cheque arrived the other day… that’s only, what, 8, 9 months since I filed? Go IRS.


Driving home tonight someone was trying to high beam me, since I was only doing the speed limit, but they were tail-gating so close that I couldn’t see their lights at all – I only just barely noticed the change in intensity from the ambient glow.