
For the longest time I’ve had a fascination with procedural and evolutionary games. I can distinctly date it back at least as far as high school, to The Game, which Maxim, Damien, myself and assorted others lavished our brief highlight teenage years on dreaming over. Sadly at the time my programming was limited to RealBasic… Read more

But everyone loves comparing LOC

I love historic figures and statistics, regardless of whether there’s a defined purpose for them. Part of my intrinsic instinct to hoard, I guess. :) I’ve been working slowly but steadily on my Keychain framework again, which has been reminding me – if nothing else – that it’s really important to write good code to… Read more

Evil My iTunes

I spent most of this afternoon and evening trying to get the myitunes.swf widget to load it’s actual data from somewhere other than the iTMS. Part of that was writing a fairly simple Cocoa app to generate the XML data I wanted – i.e. a “feed” or my actual favourite music, not a list of… Read more

Hacking “My iTunes”

Disclaimer: I see no harm in doing this as shown below, simply for the sake of changing the colours and [playfully] the strings, but of course don’t be a jackarse and subvert the app for other uses or whatever. Also, if anyone knows a way to use your own CSS and XML files without having… Read more

Playlist Fixer

Now that I have plenty of hard disk space – something I haven’t had for years, but which is a very welcome change (albeit likely to be quite temporary, given how fast it’s being used up) – I decided to move my music back off my iPod. I had to delete the copy on my… Read more

Errors of note

Rob & I have been working on the plane today, which has had some interesting developments and problems. At the onset of dusk we made a last minute dash to a nearby park to get in a flight, given that the wind had finally settled down enough, and although autopilot wasn’t working properly, we figured… Read more