The odds

So last night Ashley decided he wasn’t cooking, so I decided to eat out. Ashley and Brett left the apartment at the same time as me, going the opposite direction, to go to the bank. I went straight off to a restaurant to eat. Twenty minutes or so later, just as I was starting my… Read more

“Jello” and music

So I finally got around to trying some “Jello”, American jelly. Disgusting stuff. It’s the same as ours of course, just very solid… it’s like the stale jelly you get at Pizza Hut or similar places, that’s been sitting out there for hours and goes all crusty… and Americans think it’s great. I also checked… Read more

The virtue of packing light

Of course, the problem I’m facing now is, how to get all this new crap back to Australia. My luggage was close to the weight limit coming over, and now I have more clothes. Let alone all the other cruft I’ve accumulated. Extra bags for the plane start at $80US each, which I guess isn’t… Read more

The weight of the world

So, I’ve just totalled my weights for the first 10 weights sessions, and it seems my total comes in at about 48,330 pounds (that’s 21,922 in real units). Or, nearly five African elephants, or roughly 192,000 bananas, or 8,630 MacBook Pro’s. Shiny. I’m practically Superman already. ;) Of course, that’s just 3.65 x 10-21th of… Read more

Foam Fountain

Apparently someone had some fun with some detergent (or somesuch) and the big fountain near our place. The results… shiny. :D

SIGGRAPH presentation

The three of us just got back from campus, where we viewed a SIGGRAPH presentation. Basically, a whole bunch of cool computer animated movies. There was the usual stuff in there – the generic “behind the scenes” crap from Industrial Light & Magic, DigitalDomain, etc. But the good things were the independent stuff, the small… Read more