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Aliens: Colonial Marines Technical Manual
Aliens: Colonial Marines Technical Manual This was given to me by Julie, Chris and so forth. Yay, I finally have something I know the origin of! :D I think they had a copy already, which I'd expressed an interest in, and so they bought me my own. That seems to be my recollection. Anyway, I really liked this book. It's got all the guns and stuff that appeals to all men, as well as various short stories and random anecdotes that are at times interesting, funny and suspenseful. It suggested further stories, for example, although they never came to pass as movies, sadly. Although just talking to Chris, he has similar recollections although reversed; that he got a copy after liking mine! But we seem to agree he gave me my copy. Ah well, it's all good; we've both got copies and we're happy. :D